09:10Global outlook: The state of play for FIPP and magazine media label_outline Welcome to Congress
09:35Masters at transformation: Learn from TMB’s playbook to achieve ongoing success label_outline Transformation strategy
10:25Thrive or Dive? Discover the Latest Innovation Trends in Media from Our Comprehensive 2023/4 Annual Report label_outline Innovation strategy
Networking Coffee
10:50How native-language South Korean content took the world by storm - and what you can learn from it label_outline Licensing and syndication
10:50How generative AI enables a regional media group to meet the demands of growing a global audience label_outline AI and journalism
11:15Maximise your media potential: Unlock the long-term benefits of operating in media verticals label_outline Fireside chatThe power of verticals
11:15National Geographic Historia: Creating and launching a brand that spans continents label_outline Magazine media brands
11:35Data-driven communities: Insights from B2B media’s most successful platforms label_outline Community strategies for niches
11:35Why revenue diversification is critical: The Power of Licensing & Content Monetizationlabel_outline Licensing and syndicationFireside chat
Brought to you by Wright’s Media
11:55Nimble Power: How creators drive industry conversations label_outline Fireside chatCreator-led media
Brain Break
12:20WELT Group – transforming a 360° media group into a digital-only future label_outline Multi-platform transformation
12:20AI-fuelled journalism: Harnessing technology to elevate your storytelling label_outline AI and journalism
12:40MIT Technology Review: How digital-first, multi-platform transformation revived the fortunes of the 124-year-old brand label_outline Fireside chatMulti-platform transformation
12:40Podcast sizzle v fizzle: The art of creating a compelling podcast Reaching a loyal base of weekly listeners in the 100,000s label_outline Fireside chatPodcasting
Networking Lunch
13:00Building a multi-faceted vertical media business from scratch label_outline Media entrepreneurship
14:00Reworld Media: The internationalisation plans of a leading media-tech group in Francelabel_outline Internationalisation
Brought to you by Grazia
14:00Top tips for turning your audience into passionate fans - lessons from gaming label_outline Fireside chatAudience engagement
14:20Green impact: Optimising your digital operations for sustainability and making a positive impact label_outline Sustainability
14:20From site to social: Aligning a cohesive content strategy across devices and platformslabel_outline Audience engagement
Brought to you by Chartbeat
Brain Break
14:45The power of diversity & inclusion: Discover how D&I drives innovation in media label_outline Fireside chatDiversity & inclusion
14:45From the Media Collective: Proven methods for maximising audience retentionlabel_outline Audience engagement
Brought to you by Pugpig
15:05Reporting for the World: Connecting Local Newsrooms to Global Conversations label_outline Storytelling for good
15:05How the fashion magazine ELLE is using a dynamic paywall & continuous optimization to increase subscriber conversion rateslabel_outline Fireside chatMagazine media monetisation
Brought to you by Poool
Networking Coffee
15:25How generative AI enables a regional media group to meet the demands of growing a global audience label_outline AI and journalism
15:25How native-language South Korean content took the world by storm - and what you can learn from it label_outline Licensing and syndication
16:10Collaborating for digital transformation: Why we all have a joint role to play in a thriving digital media ecosystemlabel_outline Digital transformation
Brought to you by Google
16:10Profitability through purpose-driven content (and how we made US $80k off one article)label_outline Fireside chatMonetising journalism
Brought to you by Labrador
16:30Unbiased product journalism: How Deco Proteste tests and reports on consumer products to help their audience chooselabel_outline Fireside chatProduct journalism
Brought to you by Advantage CS
Brain Break
16:55A sustainable future for paper and print: trends and outlooklabel_outline Fireside chatSustainability
Brought to you by UPM Communication Papers
16:55The evolution of a brand: Understanding the DNA of your magazine media brand and being a voice for your audience label_outline Magazine media brands
17:15Breaking age barriers: Rethinking media, careers and life beyond 50 label_outline Fireside chatGenerations
17:35Pre-record: The next frontier of storytelling: Exploring the promise (and pitfalls) of Web 3.0 and beyond label_outline Media entrepreneurship
Channel Wrap
Channel Wrap
Informal Networking Drinks
Quartyard outside the Expo Theatre
Attendee free time, meetings and networking
09:00Strategic perspective: AI and the next wave of transformation and change in the media industry label_outline AI and media
09:00How data analytics move the needle for magazine publisherslabel_outline Fireside chatData strategy
Brought to you by Mather Economics
09:20Legal and ethical conundrums: A code for media to account for AI transparency label_outline AI and media
09:40What’s hot and what’s not: A toolkit for assessing and making decisions on emerging technologies label_outline Tech toolkit
09:40Creating more value with great stories: The opportunities for content syndication on a global scalelabel_outline monetisation
Brought to you by TCE
Brain Break
10:05All change: The decisions shaping success at global icons Hello! and ¡HOLA!label_outline Magazine media transformation
Brought to you by Glide Publishing Platform
10:05Content-to-Commerce: New strategies for driving affiliate revenueslabel_outline Fireside chatmonetisation
Brought to you by Affilizz
10:25From pages to purchases: How innovative magazine media storytelling drives e-commerce and profitability label_outline Fireside chatMagazine media brands
10:25The power of attention and intent: A new and coordinated approach to consumer revenue generationlabel_outline monetisation
Brought to you by InsurAds
Networking Coffee
10:45Building a multi-faceted vertical media business from scratch label_outline Media entrepreneurship
10:45Navigating through crises: A story of progressive media leadership label_outline Leadership
11:10A guide to publishers on how to capitalise on a growing trend label_outline Fireside chatRetail media
11:10Challenging misinformation in conflict-prone countries label_outline Fireside chatLeadership
Brain Break
Wrap of Specialist Stage
12:15The three key trends you need to understand to grow your content business label_outline Fireside chatNewsletter subscriptions
12:35Unleashing the power of your brand: Subscriptions that stands the test of time label_outline Subscriptions
Networking Lunch
13:45Inside the War in Ukraine: Human, business and media resilience under extreme duress label_outline Leadership
14:05Strategies for navigating through market turmoil towards a brighter future label_outline LeadershipPanel discussion
Prize Draw
Brought to you by PressReader
Informal Networking Get-Together
For those staying on in Cascais, we will announce an informal get-together for more networking and conversation.