
Please note the agenda remains subject to change. This includes potential changes to session running orders and descriptions. We will add details for the speaking slots that remain open in the coming weeks - all open slots are now reserved, pending final confirmations.

  • 07:00

    Running & Walking Club with Pugpig Trotters!

    Grab your trainers and join team Pugpig bright and early for a light jog or leisurely stroll around the beautiful coast of Cascais. 

    There’s no need to sign up, just meet us outside the Pestana Cidadela Hotel at 7am sharp. 

  • 08:00

    Registration, Coffee and Conversations

  • 09:00

    Take your seats | Housekeeping

  • 09:10

    Welcome to Cascais

    With Cascais Tourism Board

    Bernardo Corrêa de Barros
    Bernardo Corrêa de Barros President, Cascais Tourism Board Visitors and Convention Bureau, Portugal
  • 09:20
  • 09:45

    AI iQ for a Human-Focused Future

    Join Dr Seth Dobrin as he presents a compelling call to action for C-suite executives to critically assess and enhance their organisation's AI intelligence quotient (AI iQ) in the evolving AI and GenAI landscape. Offering insights from Fortune 500 transformations, he explains AI's transformational (and future) impact and the strategy, culture, talent and practical readiness you will need to develop sustainable growth in the new world of work and life.

  • 10:15

    Partnering with AI: Dotdash Meredith's strategy for content and revenue growth

    Explore Dotdash Meredith's innovative approach to AI, including their landmark deal with OpenAI. Gain insights into how they're using AI to enhance content, supercharge ad targeting with D/Cipher, and navigate the challenges of a changing media landscape while maintaining profitability. Learn more about their vision for media, the symbioses between media and technology, and key trends that will shape the industry’s future.

  • 10:40

    Media innovation: Moving beyond the hype to sustainable success

    Join Juan for this year’s launch of the Innovation in Media World Report, where he will banish hype and lay out how media is reinventing itself and finding new (realistic) revenue, relevance and reach.

  • 11:05

    Huddles, Coffee and Conversations

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  • 12:10

    Brain Break

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    • 12:15

      AI Disruption and Defences: How might AI impact engagement on your digital properties and how can you protect them?

      David will set out the risks presented by generative AI eroding consumption of publisher content on their owned-and-operated platforms. He'll give an overview of the tech, policy and licensing landscape and leave you with some pointers how you can assess the scale of the risk to your business and what steps you could consider to protect it.

    • 12:15

      Collaborating in Tech and AI, Competing in Content: The strategic use of AI in publishing

      Today's fast-paced media landscape is dominated by giants like TikTok and Facebook. We propose a strategic collaboration using advanced AI technologies on a SaaS CMS platform, like Labrador CMS. This partnership allows journalists to focus on creating high-quality content, leveraging AI to enhance competitive edges and attract readers. Join us to explore how embracing tech innovation can boost content excellence and retain reader interest in a crowded market.

    • 12:35

      Women’s Health: Forces for fitness

      As the world’s largest wellness media brand for women, Women’s Health has built a winning strategy that engages audiences and builds community by combining science-based service with authentic storytelling. From sharing inspiring athlete stories to spotlighting the next generation of fitness influencers to tapping into key cultural moments, Women’s Health (US) editor-in-chief Liz Plosser will share insights on the brand’s approach and why it resonates.

    • 12:35

      The 2024 State of the Mobile Publishing Market Report

      With access to data across 400 media brands, Pugpig has an unmatched insight into mobile publishing. This year’s report mixes analytics and interviews across the Pugpig portfolio to deliver a blend of high-level industry trends with deep dives into subjects including adoption, engagement, retention, audio, video, and more. Join Jonny as he whizzes you through the report and arms you with all the insight you need to be Congress’ mobile champ of the day!

  • 13:00

    Huddles, Lunch and Conversations

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  • 14:40

    Brain Break

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    • 14:45

      Navigating the Stars: Aerospace Knowledge Youth and engaging a new generation of media consumers in China

      Discover how Aerospace Knowledge (Youth) blends science with imagination to engage China's next generation. Explore strategies behind its rapid rise to one of China's top youth science publications, from captivating content to innovative media outreach.

    • 14:45

      Startup to Scaleup: How Capital Digital builds its product footprint in Latin America

      Take a journey through Latin America as Jack explains how laser-sharp market analyses, audience listening tools and social media as a testing platform are part of Capital Digital’s success recipe…

    • 15:05

      The Sustainability Imperative: Paper practices driving environmental preservation

      In this session, we will examine regulatory landscape shifts that redefine sustainable business practices in the paper sector. Gain insights on the latest climate action initiatives and understand the importance of sustainable forest management in preserving biodiversity. Discover how these elements are crucial for the future of our environment ... and for all of us operating in the paper and magazine media industry.

    • 15:05

      Digital Media Equation: Reinvent or suffer the consequences

      Digital media, with BuzzFeed the most prominent, has had a torrid time of late. However, not all media are equal. Discover how reinvention fuels continued success at 7awi. Learn from their journey of adapting to ever-changing digital trends to captivate Millennials and Gen Z, leveraging their 18 digital platforms, social media influence, and innovative content strategies to achieve impactful reach and engagement. Former Microsoft technologist turned publisher Anas Abbar shares more.

  • 15:25

    Huddles, Coffee and Conversations

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  • 16:35

    Brain Break

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    • 16:40

      Maximising Revenue Growth: Essential pricing hacks for immediate implementation

      Pricing is the most significant lever for profit within any company. It's possible to unlock its full potential with surprising simplicity, but many fail to do so. In this compact session, Julia Petersen will share straightforward yet powerful pricing strategies that any media company can implement, immediately. Discover how to harness the untapped opportunities within your pricing model to drive substantial revenue growth. This session includes practical insights and actionable advice that can significantly affect your company's financial performance.

    • 16:40

      Paper Therapy: How paper is the unexpected ally for Gen Z and Millennial mental health

      In this insightful session, Irene Smit, the visionary behind Flow Magazine, delves into the mindful power of paper and she unveils the surprising connection between paper and mental health. Learn how the tactile and mindful nature of paper can help to reclaim focus and creativity in this digital age and how paper-based activities like reading magazines, journaling, vision boarding, and creative therapy can help the younger generations to slow down and navigate the challenges of our fast-paced, digital world.

    • 17:05

      Navigating diversity and inclusion in the media space

      We know that 21% of people in the world are disabled either physically or invisibly – yet these 21% of people are not represented proportionally in the media, whether that’s in TV, social media or in print. Reflect – the only talent management agency in the DEI space that operates as a community interest company – champions influencers, models, and talent in media to address underrepresentation. What started out as a Covid colleague bonding exercise has turned into the 19th most recognised talent agency in the world, according to Influencer Marketing Hub in 2023. Hear how the team did it and what’s next.

    • 17:05

      NextGen DIY Media: From news avoidance to news maker

      Three years ago, fed up with legacy news media she found had little relevance to her, Kassy Cho started Almost, an Instagram-first channel providing news in English and Chinese to young people. In this session, she will explain what youth expect from their media providers.

    • 17:30

      Transformation and Success: Evolving a Media Business in 2024

      Condé Nast is home to some of the most recognisable media brands in the world, but how do you navigate modernising a 115-year-old business for the digital era? From diversifying revenue streams and innovative content to new platforms and navigating risk, Mark Russell dives into the lessons Condé Nast has learned along the way.

    • 17:30

      Next Gen News: Understanding the Audiences of 2030

      News producers need to take steps now to secure their future audiences. In this session, FT Strategies will share the findings of a 6-month research project (conducted in collaboration with Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern) exploring the news preferences of the next generation of consumers. The session will bring to life some of the voices of the next generation with anecdotes, quotes, and observations, as well as insightful observations and provocations from some of the leading thinkers in the industry.

  • 18:00

    Informal networking, evening sponsored by Pressreader

  • 19:00

    Attendee Free Time

  • 07:00

    Running & Walking Club with Pugpig Trotters!

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  • 10:30

    Brain Break

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    • 10:35

      Purpose Over Profit

      Archie Carrasco, CEO of AGC Power Holdings Corp., a media powerhouse in the Philippines, delves into balancing humanity with digital advancement and how prioritising social impact over financial gain reshapes business values and promotes sustainable growth.

    • 10:35

      How ¡Hola! develops new revenue streams

      Join Juan and Hugo as they discuss ¡Hola!’s strategies for developing new audience revenues.

      Juan Pablo Orelle
      Juan Pablo Orelle Sales Operations Director, ¡HOLA!, Spain
    • 10:55

      Inside HBR: How Harvard Business Review stays distinctive in a crowded global media landscape

      Harvard Business Review is renowned for publishing business ideas that move leaders forward in their companies and careers – but how does this highly successful 102-year-old brand set its own strategy while maintaining rigorous editorial standards? And what are the choices it’s making for the future, from the role of new technologies to meeting the demands of fast-changing consumer habits? Join us for a conversation with Harvard Business Publishing co-president Sarah McConville, who will offer an inside look at HBR’s evolution as a global publisher, its uniquely diversified business model, and how it plans to capture value in a world shaped by AI.

    • 10:55

      Live Publishing and AI's Future Impact: Insights from Nordic digital evolution

      Across the Nordic region, newspapers such as Ekstra Bladet have embraced digital transformation over the past three decades. With a steadfast commitment to delivering news promptly, their objective is clear: to break stories first in a modern, digital format. We will delve into observations and insights on live publishing, the integration of AI, and how to meet readers' evolving expectations. Join us for a dynamic exploration of digital progress and innovation in the media landscape.

  • 11:20

    Huddles, Coffee and Conversations

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    • 11:50

      The Evolving Advertising Landscape: How Japanese publishers overcome adversity to build their future

      Media publishers face daunting challenges in today’s evolving advertising landscape. As BigTech platforms dominate ad sales, publishers struggle against these behemoths to secure revenue share. Exacerbating the problem is advertisers unwittingly investing in unreliable placements, wasting resources and missing their target audiences. We look at publisher innovations and solutions to this conundrum in Japan…

    • 11:50

      Content Licensing within European Regulatory Frameworks: Understand the benefits of collective management

      Visapress believes content remains king.But ownership of this content brings with it a complex web of rights and regulations. In this session, we explore content licensing in the European Union, and how, through the concept of collective management, organisations can simplify licensing for both rightsholders and users.

    • 12:10

      Premium Drives Performance: Condé Nast Ad Studio’s Multi-Million-Dollar Journey

      The fundamentals of how High Impact Display (a premium offering) is the future of the digital space. Sharing insight on how our CN Ad Studio Business (our suite of High Impact Display offerings) became a multi-million dollar success story.

      Matthew Snyder
      Matthew Snyder Co-founder and CEO, Responsive Ads
    • 12:10

      Gen AI – The reality of moving from experimentation to implementation

      Curiosity and an open mind are crucial traits for media companies and individuals in the age of Gen AI. But now the hype is waning, and the hallucinations persist, how do we start to use AI in a realistic and meaningful way to benefit our audiences and businesses? Roxanne will discuss how Immediate Media has approached the most promising use cases of AI to enhance, not obliterate, creativity and productivity.

  • 12:30

    Brain Break

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    • 12:35

      From Scale to Engagement: Why Revenue Diversification is Key to Navigating a Shifting Landscape

      We hear how Hearst Magazines is growing its global business by deepening ties with consumers worldwide. Prioritising scale, once a viable business strategy for many, is now being reimagined. Through ongoing innovation and by leveraging the trust consumers have in its portfolio of iconic brands, Hearst is doubling down on engagement, focusing on creating monetisable consumer experiences, including membership, e-commerce and affiliate, events, and brand licensing. The session will also detail how Hearst equips its international partners with the right tools to grow and diversify revenue in each individual market.

    • 12:35

      The Power of Cultural Diversity: Embracing the ‘prototype’ citizen of the future

      In this insightful session, Doni will explore the profound impact of 21st-century cultural diversity on the media industry. Drawing from university research and lived experiences, Aldine will delve into the concept of the "prototype citizen of the future" and how embracing their unique perspectives can unlock new opportunities for audience engagement and business growth. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of why authentic cultural diversity is crucial for media organisations to stay relevant, connect with evolving audiences, and drive meaningful success in the 21st century.

    • 12:55

      Creators: A threat or opportunity to big media?

      The disintermediation of media distribution channels and the continuing rise of video, podcast and newsletter channels mean any individual can become media. Some very successfully chip away at big media markets. Others may have the storytelling skills but not the scale or resources to build sustainable business models. Is this an opportunity, a threat, or both? Simon Owens shares his views.

    • 12:55

      Thriving in a Silver Age: How a leading media brand leverages AI to transform for an ageing population

      An ageing population is straining healthcare systems in multiple countries worldwide. This session explores how a leading health media brand embraces innovation to meet this challenge. Learn how they're using AI to create new services and redefining their content strategy to target "family health decision-makers" with a focus on prevention. This session will explore the opportunities for media in an ageing society and the power of AI to create new forms of audience engagement, even in this segment.

  • 13:15

    Huddles, Lunch and Conversation

  • 13:55
  • 14:00

    ‘Why print won't just lie down and die’

    The death-of-print narrative in magazine publishing is dying, but publishers need to re-engage with the format for print to truly make a comeback. Here's how.

  • 14:20

    Elegance Reborn: How Harper's Bazaar's triumphant print-first reintroduction in France defies history and bucks trends

    Harper's Bazaar, the venerable global fashion icon, finally graces France, overcoming several past failures thanks to Prisma Media's bold decision to enter luxury media, a new segment for the Vivendi subsidiary. A dynamic launch, a stellar team, and a unique editorial "Bazaar society" ethos led to instant acclaim among readers and upscale brands. The award-winning launch cover with Catherine Deneuve signalled the start of a bright future for Prisma in the luxury segment. 

    Claire Léost, President of Prisma Media, talks to Colin Morrison CBE about the ingredients for magazine success even when history and trends are stacked against you.

  • 14:40

    Media Inspiration: The accidental entrepreneur

    How former newspaper and magazine journalist Mark Allen quietly built one of the UK’s most successful B2B media groups. His journey comes packed with lessons for every media executive. Get ready to be inspired.

  • 15:05

    Ask Anything: Our panel highlights key take-outs from Congress 2024 and answers your questions about the next year

    For this interactive session of Congress 2024, we ask our participants for their key take-outs from Congress 2024 and to answer audience questions about what to expect industry-wise until we meet again for Congress 2025.

  • 15:40

    Wrap-up and announcement of the location and date for Congress 2025

    Thanks from FIPP and Mx3 for attending Congress 2024. 2025 will be a special year as FIPP turns one hundred years young. Join us for the centenary celebrations at Congress 2025 as we continue what we love: serving the industry as we adapt, transform and aim to thrive for many more years to come!

  • 16:00

    Post-Congress Social with Cascais Tourism

    The post-Congress social will take place at the amazing Casa das Histórias Paula Rego. 

  • 17:00

    Attendee Free Time & Airport Departures